A r c h i t e c t u r e and D e s i g n
Paolo Bandini Architect
Genova (GE) ∙
Phone. 010 868 4978
Mail. archipaolobandini@gmail.com
P.IVA 03370650107
PB Architect ©2023
New urban area layout
Location: Donoratico (LI)
Client : Proposal for Donoratico municipality
Job: Project for a new urban area layout in Donoratico (LI)
Date: 2007
Amount of work: /
Project: Feasibility study
Collaborators: /
Contracotr: /
Category (table z-1): U-03
The drafted design proposals are based on a careful analysis of the urban design of Donoratico and aim to give a new identity and a new image to the fabric of the country. The study of the Donoratico area took into consideration the careful and in-depth study carried out by the structural plan of the Municipality of Castagneto Carducci. In it there are indications on the objectives that take into account both the specific aspect of the design and the wider aspect of the territory that a redevelopment intervention must take into account. The guidelines of the Structural Plan, as regards Donoratico, place the accent on a redevelopment which must aim at the creation of a new "center", intended as an area of aggregation, of relations and which becomes the catalyst for a more widespread retraining; creating a new structure of the country both in terms of roads and pedestrian-cycling. The intervention area is of such size as to be able to meet the objectives set. It consists of two main lots connected to each other by a pedestrian and vehicular traffic system.
The lot located to the south is currently occupied by the elementary school, in a bad state of maintenance. The main lot is located in the north-west part of the town, in close contact with the urban fabric; inside, the main pedestrian-cycle connections have been identified both with the Church of Donoratico and with the cycle path near the station and the old Via Aurelia; it connects the urban fabric directly with the coastal area. The area borders the main road arteries that lead to the new Aurelia highway and the state road connecting the hilly areas towards Castagneto Carducci. The search for identity and a new image for Donoratico is intertwined with the definition of the quality of space. The proposed hypotheses have the aim of creating a new capillary link with the existing building fabric by strengthening and upgrading the peculiarities of Donoratico. The project areas are intended as meeting places accessible from all sides and animated by various activities. In the area it is assumed the construction of new residences, a new civic center, a new elementary school with the organization of a school complex and a new headquarters of the Red Cross.